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BexleyChildren's Services Procedures Manual

Policy Updates

CAPTION: All children
All Children
Early Help and Thresholds for Children's Social Care Services
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Children's Social Care - Assessment and Planning
Title: When Inserted:
Hints & Tips on completing SOS C & F Assessment August 2021
Position Statement visiting children in the pandemic and contact arrangements January 2021
Channel Panel Terms of Reference August 2021
Domestic Abuse Guidance for Staff August 2021
Bexley Lone Working Guidance October 2021
Bexley Escalation Policy 2021 October 2021
Child in Need
Title: When Inserted:
Legal Proceedings
Title: When Inserted:
SWET Guidance April 2021
Short SWET Urgent Hearings October 2021
SWET October 2021
SWET Final Statement October 2021
Complaints and Whistleblowing
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
CAPTION: Case management and recording
Case Management and Recording
Title: When Inserted:
Signs of Safety Supervision Reflective Practice Tool December 2019
Group Supervision Guide August 2021
CAPTION: Children in particular circumstances
Children in Particular Circumstances
Children with Disabilities
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Children from Abroad
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Family and Friends Care
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Young Carers
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
CAPTION: Children in Our Care
Children in Our Care
Decision to Look After and Care Planning
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Monitoring and Reviews
Title: When Inserted:
CLA Review Checklist August 21
Children Looked After Review Procedure for new Social Workers August 21
Updated CLA Review process for social workers August 21
IRO Checklist October 2021
Contact and Overnight Stays
Title: When Inserted:
Education, School Trips and Holidays
Title: When Inserted:
Good Practice Guide for PT Timetables summer 2021 August 2021
Secondary Fair Access Protocol February 2021
Health and Wellbeing
Title: When Inserted:
Change of Name and Marriage/Civil Partnership
Title: When Inserted:
Leaving Care and Transition
Title: When Inserted:
Youth Offending
Title: When Inserted:
YOS CSC Protocol Key Messages August 21
Bexley Court Bexley YOT Protocol August 21
Bexley Custody Record Vulnerability Screen August 21
YOT Risk policy and procedures August 21
YOT PACE Interview Form August 21
CAPTION: Fostering and adoption
Fostering and Adoption
Fostering Services
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Adoption and Permanence Services
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
Special Guardianship
Title: When Inserted:
There are currently no forms in this category.N.A.
CAPTION: Contacts, list of agency decision
Contacts, List of Agency Decision Makers and Appendices
Title: When Inserted:
Internal scheme of delegated decision making for CSC Document review date May 2021
CAPTION: Liquid logic
Liquid Logic
Title: When Inserted:
LCS and EHM User Guides January 2020